Charge Detail Summary

File Number: Nur12/227D
Practitioner: Monique Draper
Hearing Start Date:

Hearing End Date:

Hearing Town/City:
Hearing Location:
Charge Characteristics:

Drugs/medication - inappropriate administration (Established)

Response – inadequate/inappropriate

Additional Orders:

Other Suppression Orders

Another patient granted permanent name suppression


Appeal Order:


Full Decision 534Nur12227D.pdf

Appeal Decision:

Precis of Decision:


Ms Monique Draper a registered nurse formely of Auckland, (the Nurse) was charged with professional misconduct.  The charge alleged that she administered to a patient medicines without prescription and without carrying out the necessary assessments or contacting the medical practitioner.  It further alleged that when she realised she had administered medicines to a patient that were not prescribed she failed to report the medication error in a timely manner.


The charge was dealt with on the basis of an Agreed Summary of Facts and the Nurse pleaded guilty to the charge.

The Tribunal found the charge of professional misconduct established.


The Tribunal censured the Nurse and ordered her to pay $12,000 costs.

The Tribunal further ordered:

  • the Nurse undertake a course or courses approved by the Nursing Council in relation to medication administration and pharmacology;
  • the Nurse undertake a course approved by the Nursing Council on professional ethics; and
  • for a six month period the Nurse must practise under supervision for the administrationof drugs and pharmacology.

The Tribunal directed publication of its decision and a summary.