File Number: Pod13/271P
Practitioner: Nina Williams
Hearing Start Date:Hearing End Date:
Hearing Town/City:
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Charge Characteristics:
Practising without a current practising certificate (Established)
Precis of Decision: A Professional Conduct Committee appointed by the Podiatrists Board of New Zealand charged that Ms Nina Williams (the Podiatrist) practised the profession of podiatry between April 2007 and May 2013 while not holding a current practising certificate.
The Tribunal found the charge established and censured the Podiatrist. The Tribunal imposed a fine of $2,500 and ordered the Podiatrist to pay $2,500 as a contribution towards the costs and incidental to the hearing.
The Tribunal also made the following recommendations:
- That if an application is made to the Board by the Podiatrist for an APC, the assessment that the Board makes on the application include such matters as are required to achieve compliance by the Podiatrtist with the Recertification Programme at that time.
- The Podiatrist be encouraged to seek assistance from mentors or peers in the future if she is in any professional difficulties such that she cannot comply with requirements.