Charge Detail Summary

File Number: Med18/430P
Practitioner: Dr Y

Hearing Start Date:

Hearing End Date:



Hearing Town/City: Christchurch

Hearing Location:

Continuation of hearing that commenced on 6 June 2019.


Location: Cathedral South Room, Distinction Hotel, 14 Cathedral Square, Christchurch, commencing at 9.00am.

Executive Officer:  Ms Gay Fraser (04) 381 6816

Charge Characteristics:

Drugs - inappropriate administration and/or misuse of (Established)

Instructions - inadequate/inappropriate
(Not Established)

Controlled Drugs Register - failure to maintain

Records - inadequately maintained

Communication inadequate/inappropriate

Acknowledgement of colleagues - inadequate/inappropriate
(Not Established)

Additional Orders:

Name Suppression to Practitioner

Interim order for suppression of the name of the practitioner

Permanent order for name suppression for the practitioner and suppression of any identifying details


Name Suppression to Complainant and/or Patient and/or client

Interim order for suppression of the name of the patient and the patient's family

Permanent order for suppression of the name of the patient and the patient's family, and suppression of any identifying details


Other Suppression Orders

Permanent order for non-publication of the names and identifying details of the nurses at the palliative care centre


Name Suppression to Witness/s and/or Family of parties

Interim order of suppression of the name of the patient and the patient's family

Permanent order of suppression of the name of the patient and the patients family
