Charge Detail Summary

File Number: Nur22/569P
Practitioner: Mr S

Hearing Start Date:

Hearing End Date:



Hearing Town/City: Auckland

Hearing Location:

Victoria Room, Crowne Plaza Hotel, 128 Albert Steet, Auckland. Commencing at 9am.

Executive Officer: Ms Debra Gainey, phone (04) 381 6816

Charge Characteristics:

Sexual misconduct - inappropriate touching (Not Established)

Additional Orders:

Name Suppression to Practitioner

Interim non-publication order for the suppression of the practitioner's name and identifying details. 

Permanent non-publication order for the suppression of the practitioner's name and identifying details. 

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Name Suppression to Complainant and/or Patient and/or client

Interim non-publication order for the suppresion of the complainant's name and identifying details. 

Permanent non-publication order for the suppresion of the complainant's name and identifying details. 

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